Physical Therapy Medical Assisting

Physical Therapy MedicalThe Physical Therapy Medical Assisting program prepares graduates to assume entry-level employment as Physical Therapy Aides and Certified Medical Administrative Assistants in the rehabilitative arena of the healthcare industry and may also be used as a foundation for post-secondary options in Physical Therapy, Medical Assisting and other Allied Health degree programs following graduation. This multi­skilled pathway provides students with marketable skills in complimentary services offered in a variety of healthcare settings. On the clinical side, Physical Therapy Aides work under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist or Assistant to use appropriate equipment, prepare treatment areas, and observe and record patient progress. On the administrative side, Certified Medical Administrative Assistants are vital to the operation of a medical office. They must maintain a professional image as they interface with patients in person and by phone, and may assume the many and varied administrative responsibilities of medical offices. Theoretical and clinical components include study in anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, rehabilitation, wound care, therapeutic communication, infection control, patient reception, documentation, and medical record-keeping. The benefits of obtaining these two certifications include increased opportunity in the job market by meeting reported employer needs and higher wage earning and pay scale.

Senior students who have successfully met the end of pathway requirements can participate in work-based learning experiences under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed physical therapist, physical therapy assistant, or athletic trainer to implement treatment plans, use appropriate equipment, and observe and record patient progress. Students participating in work-based learning and entry-level employment would receive hands on skill practice with tasks indirectly related to patient care, including medical documentation skills, setting up the treatment area, moving patients, and performing clerical duties related to the administration of the medical office.




Ms. Jillian Foster

Ms. Tina Reynolds